Fun with Compliance

Earlier this week, I hung out with Jeremy Kaye, one of our in-house compliance experts at Check Point:

While I've been doing InfoSec for a while, or at least working in companies that sell InfoSec products, compliance isn't something I've had a ton of direct experience with. Sure, Check Point customers used our products to help meet various compliance regulations, but until Check Point acquired DynaSec in 2011, there wasn't a team inside Check Point dedicated to this topic.

While we had some technical challenges with the Google+ Hangout itself (and it was the first one we did at Check Point), I think the conversation with Jeremy went fairly well. The questions I asked where ones I've always wanted answers to. Like, what good is compliance? Why does it seem like compliance is in the eye of the auditor? Why so many regulations anyway?

The big takeaway for me from this conversation is that security should drive your compliance efforts, not the other way around. Because chances are, if you have a strong information security program in place already, compliance is pretty straightforward, no matter which regulations you have to comply with.